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2/3/2013 The Worst Drought in 500 Years


A photo of a farmer next to a dried up stream

Gov. Jerry Brown declared a drought state of emergency on Jan. 17

The New York Times reported Saturday that 17 rural communities in California that are providing water to 40,000 people are in danger of running out within 60 to 120 days.

State officials said they were moving to put emergency plans in place. In the worst case, they said drinking water would have to be brought by truck into parched communities and additional wells would have to be drilled to draw on groundwater.

The worst drought in 500 years is disrupting lives and putting the health of residents, especially children, at risk for respiratory illness, as air quality deteriorates.A map of drought-stricken areas

On the lighter side, the Times article notes that  lower stream flows near Sacramento have brought out prospectors panning for gold.

See also, University of California Extension Schools programs, Drought survival sessions scheduled for locations around the state, and the Association of California Water Agencies’ article SWP (State Water Projects) Water Allocations Cut to Zero, Junior Water-Right Holders’ Diversions Curtailed

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